December 2011 No. 20


Government, Media, and Product Placement
Editor's Note
Page. 229
/ 陳炳宏
Ping-hung Chen
The Boundaries of Government Propaganda: A Lesson from the United States
Page. 3
/ 洪貞玲
Chen-Ling Hung
Keywords:government propaganda, U.S., disclosure of information, product placement
政府訊息置入電視新聞性節目的 文本分析與閱聽人研究
Textual Analysis and Audience Research of Governmental Embedded Messages in TV News Programs
Page. 25
/ 王泰俐
Tai-Li Wang
Keywords:product placement, elaboration likelihood model, governmental embedded message, online audience research
英國電視置入性行銷之管制: 論辯與改變
Debates and Changes on the Regulations of Product Placement in the U.K.
Page. 45
/ 林麗雲
Lihyun Lin
Keywords:product placement, television regulations, commercial messages, the U.K.
從van Dijk 操控論述觀點分析中國 大陸省市採購團的新聞置入及報導 框架:以台灣四家報紙為例
Analysis of the News Placement and Coverage of Three Chinese Buying Groups by Taiwan’s Four Main Newspapers from the Perspective of van Dijk’s Discourse and Manipulation Theory
Page. 65
/ 張錦華
Chinhwa Chang
Keywords:news placement, communist China’s propaganda toward Taiwan, Chinese buying groups, discourse of manipulation
新瓶裝「假」酒?:有關新媒體 置入性行銷的分析與批判
New Bottle, Fake Source? Translating Product Placement for New Media
Page. 95
/ 林照真
Chao-Chen Lin
Keywords:new media, digital journalism, product placement, convergence
台灣傳播領域學術研究素描:以 1984-2009 年國科會專題研究計畫為例
A Profile of Communication Research in Taiwan
Page. 117
/ 翁秀琪
Shieu-Chi Weng
Keywords:profile of communication research, development of communication research in Taiwan
媒體再現科技發展與風險的框架與 演變:以基因改造食品新聞為例
Framing of Scientific Development and Risks: A News Analysis of Genetically Modified Foods in Taiwan
Page. 143
/ 謝君蔚、徐美苓
Jiun-Wei Hsieh & Mei-Ling Hsu
Keywords:risk society, risk communication, framing analysis, genetically modified food, news representation
原住民科教典範之轉移:從多元 文化教育觀點分析電視科普節目 《科學小原子》
Paradigm Shift of Indigenous Science Education: Analysis of the TV Science Program Little Science Hunters from Multicultural Education Perspectives
Page. 181
/ 李瑛、黃惠萍
Ying Lee & Huiping Huang
關鍵字:多元文化科學、多元文化教育、《科學小原子》、原住民科學、 電視科普節目
Keywords:multicultural science, multicultural education, Little Science Hunters, indigenous science, TV science program
Internet-Driven Democratization and Counter-Attacks by the State: The Experience of Malaysian Online Media
Page. 229
/ 莊迪澎
Teck-Peng Chang
關鍵字:互聯網 ; 民主化 ; 馬來西亞 ; 網路媒體
Keywords:Internet ; democratization ; Malaysia ; online media