December 2017 No. 32


Science, Communication, and Society
Editor's Note
Page. 3
/ 楊意菁
Yie-Jing Yang
導言: 科技社會變遷下的科學傳播新視界
Introduction: New Horizons in Science Communication for the Rapidly Changing Technological Society
Page. 3
/ 黃俊儒
Chun-Ju Huang
再生能源的公眾支持及使用意願: 環境信念、行動及議題傳播模式初探
Public Support and Intended Use of Renewable Energy: An Exploratory Model of Environmental Belief, Actions, and Communication
Page. 9
/ 徐美苓
Mei-Ling Hsu
Keywords:active communication, renewable energy, action efficacy, environmental behavior, environmental belief
台灣報業媒體網路平台氣候變遷風險 溝通:2009 ~ 2016 年的歷時性分析
Climate Change Risk Communication of the Taiwanese Mainstream Newspaper Internet Platforms: A Longitudinal Analysis from 2009 to 2016
Page. 45
/ 李美華
Meihua Lee
關鍵字:全球暖化、風險溝通、氣候變遷、報業媒體網路平台、聯合國 氣候變遷綱要公約締約方會議 DOI: 10.6195/cjcr.2017.32.02 *
Keywords:global warming, risk communication, climate change, newspaper Internet platforms, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) *
大學生對於科學研究資訊的閱讀表 現探究:以網路科學新聞為例
A Study of College Students’ Reading Performance Relating to Scientific Research Information: An Example of Internet-Based Science News
Page. 91
/ 李松濤
Sung-Tao Lee
Keywords:scientific literacy, science news, inquiry procedures, media literacy *
探討社交媒體事件之浮現邏輯:一 個融合STS 與傳播研究取徑之嘗試
Exploring the Emerging Logic of Social Media Events: An Approach Integrating STS and Communication Research
Page. 129
/ 鄭宇君
Yu-Chung Cheng
關鍵字:平台、社交媒體、社交媒體事件、物質性、鉅量資料、媒體事 件 DOI: 10.6195/cjcr.2017.32.04 *
Keywords:platforms, social media, social media events, material conditions, big data, media events
政黨雙歧不確定的糾結: 成因、決策過程、媒體接收與 行為意向
Party Ambivalence: Antecedents, Decision Strategies, Media Uses, and Coping Strategies
Page. 167
/ 張卿卿
Chingching Chang
關鍵字:2016 總統大選、投票決策、投票意向、應對策略、選舉新聞、雙 歧選民
Keywords:2016 Presidential Election, decision strategies, voting intention, election news receiving, ambivalent voters
台灣青少年網路霸凌現況、 原因與影響
Understanding Cyberbullying among Taiwanese Youth: Prevalence, Causes, and Impacts
Page. 203
/ 施琮仁
Tsung-Jen Shih
Keywords:parental role, life satisfaction, youth, internet literacy, cyberbullying
2017 年傳播大事紀
Page. 241
/ 劉倚帆彙編