December 2016 No. 30


Taiwan Communication Survey and Research on Internet Use
Editor's Note
Page. 3
/ 楊意菁
Yie-Jing Yang
Page. XV
/ 羅文輝
Relationship between Internet Literacy and Parental Mediation in Taiwanese Adolescents
Page. 3
/ 林淑芳
Shu-Fang Lin
Keywords:parental mediation, internet risk, risk coping, internet literacy
家長介入行為影響青少年網路 正負面使用行為之研究
Adolescents’ Positive and Negative Internet Use: The Role of Parental Mediation
Page. 31
/ 王嵩音
Song-In Wang
Keywords:adolescents’ Internet use, parental mediation, educational use of the Internet, online risks
線上影音接收、傳散與產製上傳 行為探討:多元動機之觀點
Motivation for Online Video Viewing, Sharing, and Posting
Page. 61
/ 張卿卿
Chingching Chang
Keywords:signaling theory, entertainment, Chinese Communication Database, online video
網路素人創作內容 決策歷程與觸動點分析: 循序樣式探勘技術之應用
Decision-Making Process and Touch Point Analysis of User-Generated Content: An Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Technique
Page. 109
/ 張郁敏、蔡介元
Yuhmiin Chang & Chieh-Yuan Tsai
關鍵字:投入度、決策歷程、創作經驗、網路素人創作內容、台灣傳播 調查資料庫、觸動點
Keywords:engagement, decision-making process, creator, user-generated content (UGC), Taiwan communication survey, touch point
Mikhail Bakhtin「時空型」概念的 視覺語藝意識與實踐之初探: 以2014 年台北同志遊行為例
A Preliminary Study on the Visual Rhetorical Consciousness and Practice of Mikhail Bakhtin’s Chronotope Concept: A Case of the 2014 Taipei LGBT Parade
Page. 143
/ 王孝勇
Hsiao-Yung Wang
食品安全事件的風險建構與溝通: 新聞媒體VS. 政府
Risk Construction and Communication of Food Safety Issues: A Comparison of News Media and Governments
Page. 179
/ 邱玉蟬、游絲涵
Yu-Chan Chiu & Ssu-Han Yu
關鍵字:政府新聞稿、風險建構、風險溝通、食品安全、健康風險、新 聞報導 DOI: 10.6195/cjcr.2016.30.06 *
Keywords:government press release, risk construction, risk communication, food safety, health risk, news coverage