December 2008 No. 14

Editor's Note
Page. 3
/ 鍾蔚文
Wei-Wen Chung
A Case Study of Open Science: Problematics of Scientific Publishing in Taiwan
Page. 3
/ 翁秀琪
Shieu-Chi Weng
關鍵字:知識公共化 ; 科學公有地 ; 科學出版 ; 開放近用
Keywords:knowledge commons ; science commons ; open science ; scientific publishing ; open access
Identity Resistance Strategies in Daily Conversation: A Study of "Taike" Identity Discourse on the "Wretch" Blog
Page. 31
/ 曹開明、黃鈴媚
Kai-Ming Tsao & Lin-Mei Huang
關鍵字:台客認同抗拒 ; 言說行動理論 ; 認同抗拒策咯 ; 論述分析
Keywords:Taike identity resistance ; speech act theory ; identity resistance strategies ; discourse analysis
The Domestication and Tabloidization of International News: How Taiwan's Newspapers Cover the WTO Meeting in Hong Kong
Page. 77
/ 洪貞玲、廖雅琴、林舫如
Chen-Ling Hung, Ya-Chin Liao & Fang-Ru Lin
關鍵字:WTO ; 小報化 ; 全球化 ; 國內化 ; 國際新聞
Keywords:domestication ; globalization ; international news ; tabloidization ; WTO
The Meaning of Internet Publics: Publics, Public Sphere and Deliberative Communication
Page. 115
/ 楊意菁
Yie-Jing Yang
關鍵字:網路民意 ; 民意公共性 ; 公眾 ; 公共領域 ; 溝通審議
Keywords:public opinion of internet ; public opinion of public ; publics ; public sphere ; deliberative communication
Interactive Storytelling and Mythical MMORPGs: A Study of Story Plots, Characters, and Interaction Behaviors
Page. 169
/ 周倩如、李峻德
Chien-Ju Chou & Jiun-De Lee
關鍵字:互動說書 ; 角色原型 ; 英雄旅程 ; 脈絡探索 ; 溝通行動理論
Keywords:interactive storytelling ; character archetypes ; hero's journey ; contextual inquiry ; communicative action theory
Comparing Effects of Single and Multiple Media Repetition
Page. 231
/ 張郁敏
Yuh-Miin Chang
關鍵字:多重媒體 ; 消息來源擴大理論 ; 媒體策略 ; 漸減 ; 廣告重複
Keywords:multiple media ; source magnification theory ; media strategy ; wearout ; advertising repetition
The Transnational Community Media in Taiwan: A Case Study of the Program of "Taiwanese Wives"
Page. 267
/ 王俐容、王維菁、朱淑娟
Li-Jung Wang, Wei-Ching Wang & Shu-Juan Zhu
關鍵字:文化認同 ; 跨國社群 ; 跨國媒體 ; 新移民女性
Keywords:cultural identity ; transnational communities ; transnational community media ; migrant women
Page. 315